In the blink of an eye, the Girls’ Brigade Singapore turns 95.
It’s by no accident that we have been able to thrive as one of Singapore’s oldest uniformed CCAs!
Through the sirens of World War II to the trials of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, we are grateful for the generations of women who answered the call to lead by example and serve the Girls in their care.
Close to 100 GB members gathered at our Girls’ Brigade Headquarters on 24 September 2022 to enjoy an intimate evening of celebration.
From the youngest GB Girl to our white-crowned GB pioneers, each woman wore her GB identity with dignity.
As we remember all those who have gone before us, beginning with our founder Mrs Elsie Lyne, we are reminded that our GB heritage isn’t simply something to feel nostalgic about.
Every GB Officer, volunteer, and teacher has a responsibility to fulfil.
When Mrs Elsie Lyne first arrived from the richest country in the world to malaria-infested Temasek in 1927, she’d have arrived by ship after arduous weeks, or even months at sea. Why did she give up so much to come here, and what did she depend on to pull her through?
We may look back fondly at how GB has flourished throughout the island especially in the 70s and 80s, yet our heritage isn’t simply a privilege we inherit.
The duty we are called to discharge to our Girls today is no less important than it was 95 years ago. If anything, the call to train up Girls in the way they should go has become even more urgent in a world increasingly moulded by the Internet.
Like those before us, we must serve new generations of Girls faithfully in our own time – even when it means making sacrifices of our own.
Why are you here with the time given to you, with the family/gifts you have? Where are you going? How will you live your life using the good things you have inherited?
When it comes to shaping the characters of Girls for good, this is both a duty and a legacy we must pass on to those after us.