<JLTC begins at Kheng Cheng Primary School>
Imagine working with a team you’ve just met a day ago to plan and run a carnival for nearly 400 people – your parents, no less.
Daunting? Perhaps. But that’s exactly what 239 plucky 11-year-olds did during this year’s Junior Leaders’ Training Camp (JLTC).
From learning how to plan different types of games to running and testing their games out on one another, this year’s JLTC provided Girls with the skills and opportunity to unlock their leadership potential, to:
<Planning a game for JLTC friends>
Equipping Girls to Lead
Uniformed groups often give the impression that good leadership involves overpowering others with a loud voice or force. But even the most timid JLTC Girl learned to lead effectively by serving others and energising them a good attitude.
JLTC experience culminated with a with a thrilling games carnival organised by the Girls for 384 parents.
<Leading a game for Parents>
“The JLTC camp was a wonderful event for the GB girls. They enjoyed it a lot, and I believe it is a good initiative. It helps Girls to be independent, live in a community with discipline, and learn the skills and mind sets of a junior leader. This will certainly help them in their other endeavours.”
Mr Ngiang, grandfather of Jaemi (Junior Leader)
“The JLTC camp was undoubtedly a grand success, providing an enchanting experience for the parents. There was a wide array of game booths set up, offering a diverse range of activities to engage the parents, and creative games designed by GB Girls themselves. Overall, parents left with a profound appreciation for the students’ efforts and a joyful bond with their daughters, making the game carnival an outstanding showcase of the girls’ talent and their leadership/teamwork qualities.”
Ms Seelvi, mother of Delisha (Junior Leader)
“I believe as any other parents, we had quite a separation anxiety. Will she eat well? Can she have a good sleep without a mattress and aircon? Can she do a quick shower and can she cope well with students from other schools? We had a lot of worries but we decided to have faith that she should be in good hands. On the second day we got to visit and witnessed how she worked with her team to manage a game for parents, and that was not just a relief but also a proud moment as we saw how she had matured to another level with the leadership camp. I’m glad that she had the opportunity, and we have a great appreciation for the Girls Brigade management and all the volunteers who made it happen. Thanks heaps!”
Mr Thie, father of Alexis (Junior Leader)
<Parents participating in the games>
When we believe in, and allow Girls to “take chances, make mistakes and get a little messy”, amazing things happen as they take the lead!