Junior Girls performing a musical drill
Girls from 39 Secondary and 34 Primary Schools impressed many with their extraordinary music drill performances, marching to some of the latest pop songs at GB’s first carnival-styled drill competition.
Despite limited time to practise due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Girls’ dedication and creativity shone through, with The 84th S Singapore Company and The 28th P Singapore Company emerging as winners of the Secondary and Primary Drill competitions respectively.
The 84th S Coy and 28th P Coy respectively posing with their Drills Competition Champion trophies
Girls’ dedication and creativity shone through
Girls add glamour to their performances with gloves, umbrellas, and other props
“The Girls had to work very hard because during the pandemic years they were not as much trained in drills compared to their Seniors before them, but we’re very proud of them for rising up to the occasion, and during each practice they really put all their heart and soul into it.” (Ms Sun, Teacher-in-Charge and Drill choreographer for participants from The 2nd P Coy)
We’re very proud of them for rising up to the occasion
Reflecting on the nerve-wracking but fun event, many GB Girls appreciated the opportunity to grow closer to their squad mates through training.
“Through this drill competition experience, we were able to bond more, so even if we don’t win, at least we get the experience and the sisterhood out of it.” (Simone Chew, Participant in the Senior Drill Competition from The 5th S Coy)
Juniors cheer their teammates on with handmade banners
Regardless of whether they won or not, Companies departed from the competition grounds feeling exceedingly proud of the hard work they and their peers had put into their performances.
Varied reactions to receiving results
Scan or click the QR code below to catch a glimpse of the Secondary Drill Competition Carnival!
Scan or click the QR code below to hear GB Seniors share about their experiences!
Scan or click the QR code below to hear GB Junior Girls and their teachers share about their experiences!