PBB Girls from the 3rd S Company line up on stage
Parents, teachers, and GB Officers flocked to the Republic Polytechnic Auditorium on 15 April to celebrate the achievements of our GB Girls.
The Girls’ Brigade Awards Ceremony recognises Companies for their performance, as well as the exceptional young women who have earned their Junior Brigader and Pioneer Brigader (JBB & PBB) Brooches – the highest accomplishment for any GB Junior or Senior.
The Girls who stood on stage experienced the first 3 years of their Girls’ Brigade journey through the lens of the COVID-19 pandemic – online camps, online drill practices and brand new opportunities their predecessors would never have thought possible.
As beaming Girls received their badges and awards onstage, parents and Officers who’d had the privilege of witnessing their hard-won growth clapped and cheered with pride.
Guest of Honor, Mrs Tan Chen Kee, Deputy Director-General of Education (Schools) and Director of Schools celebrating and cheering Girls on stage alongside The Girls’ Brigade President, Ms Sharon Liat (right) and The Girls’ Brigade Vice President, Ms Joann Gor (left)
Guest of Honor, Mrs Tan Chen Kee graced the ceremony, congratulating the Girls while also reminding the audience that nurturing Girls was a community effort that extends beyond the biological family. When adults invest time and energy to build strong relationships with Girls, there’s no telling how far they will go in life!
Lastly, the ceremony also launched the first GB FOR ALL module, a course that equips GB Officers to create inclusive spaces for GB Girls with special needs. With over twenty Companies currently involved in this training, the Girls’ Brigade looks forward to becoming an even more welcoming space.
GOH Mrs Tan Chen Kee launches the GB for All module with a planting exercise
Officer Huiting with Hayley and Akishini, recipients of the Pioneer Brigader Brooch
(PBB Girls of the 28th S Company pose with their Officers and parents)