110 GB Girls stepped up to befriend more than 150 vulnerable Singaporeans with different needs at the launch of the Girls’ Brigade Friend in Deed (GBFD) project.
Held at New Hope Community Services’ Kampung Siglap Lifeskills Training and Retreat Centre, Community Bake saw intergenerational teams baking cookies for 500 beneficiaries served by New Hope Community Services. The project was also added into the Singapore Book of records for the largest number of people baking together.
Elderly and children whisking cookie dough together
The annual GBFD project seeks to grant the wishes of over 3500 vulnerable Singaporeans – including the lonely, elderly, needy, and those with special learning needs – from 9 May to 14 July (during the mid-year school holidays). GBFD beneficiaries will be able to wish for anything they want within a $60 budget.
GB Patron Ms Jane Ittogi kneading cookies alongside GB Girls and other participants
Guest of Honour, Ms Jane Ittogi, Patron of The Girls’ Brigade Singapore, said: “The Girls’ Brigade Friend in Deed project is about more than just providing financial and material support. It seeks to elevate the vulnerable and underserved with dignity and freedom of choice, and recognises individuals’ personal and evolving needs. This year’s Community Bake is especially significant in how it involves vulnerable Singaporeans coming together with Girls’ Brigade girls and volunteers, and being empowered to serve others in the community who are in need. I hope that more Singaporeans will be inspired by this to step forward and give their support to this project.”
Adopt or Deliver a wish to our friends in need here today!